Monday, February 22, 2016

2nd chakra

Sacral Chakra
Sacral chakra, Located below the navel(abdomen), is in charge of; Creativity, healing, sexuality and reproduction, desire, emotion and intuition. This chakra is focused on the balance of emotional stability. Having this chakra balanced can create a very Zestful person. Sacral chakra is one of my favorite chakras and having them out of balance can cause so many problems. Since this chakra is so in charge of intuition and emotional stability things may go very wrong, you may be confused about who to trust and you might also be in emotional ruins having this chakra out of balance. The sacaral chakra is also in charge of your pleasure and passion. It is where your driven due to passion for a subject, or person. And also allows you to be pleased with the things around you, a person, subject, maybe a dog or a book. Sacral chakra can also create emotional overreactions, excessive attachments to people or objects(horders must really have this out of whack), depression, lack of authenticity and creativity, self sabotage. Or maybe your the type to get lost in fantasies? this is also a sign of unbalanced sacral chakra. You may be experiencing co-dependent behaviors, or maybe experience  some more physical issues, like; infertility, miscarriages, ovarian cysts or testicular disease.

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