Tuesday, May 17, 2016

fourth chakra healing

Heart Chakra

'Anahata' the translation is "unhurt, unstuck,or unbeaten." The heart chakra is in the midde of your body, balancing both matter and spirit. spirit being the three chakras above and world being the chakras below. Be open with your emotions (transparent) in other words pour your heart out either by talking or writing. This is to help heal your HEART(CHAKRA). practicing yoga can help by teaching you to live in the present and forgetting the past, past problems or past love ones, and if we worry about the future it may cause stress, there for yoga is a Technic to just live in today's moments(this is different from being prepared for tomorrow it doesn't mean you have to live a carefree life and not think of the consequences of tomorrow from the actions of today.
ACCEPTANCE, is a big one for the Heart chakra, accepting ones self, accepting what we can and cannot control or accepting our responsibility. 
little tip: Accepting what you cant control can also provide you with happiness.
REMIND your self of three things daily:
  • Love is the greatest healer(especially loving your self)!! <3
  • "Acceptance is with the Heart not with the eyes"
  • Live in present time("yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that is why it is called the present"-kung fu panda turtle master to panda)
Heart Healing Yoga;
  • camel pose
  • eagle pose
  • back bending 
    camel pose

    eagle pose

    eagle pose

    back bend

    back bend

    camel pose

    back bend
Preferred foods:
Leafy veggies are best to open up your "heart" and green tea helps as well :)
Heart chakra chant while meditating;
"YAM" you may meditate chanting the word YAM when you feel that your heart is close(too focused on past or stressed about the future) and the vibration sound from chanting this is supposed to help you connect with your chakra.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Positivism, Negativity, Creativity

What motivates us?(detour for today on chakras :))
I many times have found myself with lack of motivation, energy and will. I used to just look up ways to motivate myself on google until I one day decided, maybe ready could help me. I began to read "the magic in thinking big" the bog is a network marketing book, but as a network marketer you must be prepared in every sense, including your energy level. The book had an interesting subject over therapeutic methods to keep your mind positive and open to good things(Law of attraction).
I have learned that there at least 3 things that are beneficial from positivism:

  1. Your Health(makes your immune system stronger)
  2. Your personality(first impressions make a difference)
  3. Your life opportunities(Law of attraction, all good comes to those who wait and even more to those who work for it right?) 
3 exercises to increase your positivism:
  1. List at least 3 things a day to be happy about
  2. when you have to recall your past only recall the good.

so you have 3 examples of the benefits and what to do, don't forget that these exercises can be done in meditation or as you do yoga and it will work more efficienty

Healing your solar plexus

To activate Manipura (solar chakra) 

Okay, first thing is first, when doing any exercises to activate the chakras you must always locate it first. Manipura is right above the naval and below the rib cage. this part of your body is usually where you get your gut feelings(intuition) lie.  solar plexus is associated with the color yellow, so when doing these exercises don't forget to imagine a sunflower over your Manipura area for full effect. surrounding your self with yellow candles or yellow things can also help heal Manipura and you will find that you will have a good glowy feeling as this occurs.

What to eat to heal solar plexus: Bananas, granola and grains, pasta, rice, flax, sunflower seeds, yogurt and spices such as ginger, chamomile, turmeric, cumin and mint.

How to heal Manipura with nature: walk in the sun, sit in front of bond fire or fire place can have a quick effect.

Heal Manipura with scent(not preferred): Sandalwood, rose wood, chamomile (you can both consume chamomile tea and benefit from the scent) and rosemary.

Healing Manipura with sound: "E"chanting RA in E (while meditating preferred)

Healing Manipura with yoga:

  • twisting core strengthener
  • down dog knee to nose
  • high lunge twist
  • intense side stretch
  • seated twist
  • child's pose (my favorite pose) 
  • corpse pose
Affirmations to heal Manipura:
"I understand and acknowledge that I have the power to make decisions in my life"
"I have the power to choose"
"I accept and choose Love"
"I choose and accept Light"
"I choose and accept Healing"
"I feel a sense of freedom in having the power to choose"

Friday, March 25, 2016

healing the sacral chakra

Healing the sacral chakra
This is an exciting chakra to heal. If you like it just as much as I do you probably can’t wait to do this but you have to know how to heal it and you must have PATIENCE J
Well I’ve already talked about what you should know in my previous blog here s what to do:
Okay, there is a difference between yoga and meditation if you are not aware. Here is the difference yoga consists of physical exercise used to control breathing and gain balance. In reality you can use yoga to exercise any part of your body without actually burning yourself out intensely. Anyhow, meditation is a more mind full exercise. When it comes to the sacral chakra, you want to first find a comfortable position (whether you have your legs crossed or your laying flat on your back). As you begin this exercise you want to begin clearing your mind and thoughts and begin breathing evenly (in 4 counts out 4 counts). As you breathe out let go the thoughts that are worrying you and begin to visualize an orange lotus or an orange crescent moon as you breathe deeply and in vision this image on your pelvis area.
Treat yourself to some foods that also heal your chakra like
·         Melons
·         Oranges
·         Coconut
·         Cinnamon
·         And plenty of water of coarse
Another good way to heal is by using scents (this opens your senses hence a mind full exercise) here is a list:
·         Rose essential oil
·         Orange
·         Patchouli
·         Sandalwood
Yoga poses:
When doing yoga for your sacral chakra you should be relaxed here is a pose J

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Healing your chakras

The root chakra or the Base Chakra
Some tips on balancing your Base Chakra.
Remember that base Chakra is our “base” our rootedness or grounded. This chakra is like or foundation and stability.
Ways we can heal our base chakra, here are some tricks:
  • Walk around barefoot as much as you can
  • Eat red foods such as strawberries, tomatoes, red peppers (capsicums), beetroot and add spices to your diet
  • Set up a savings plan if you’re worried about finances( hence stability in every sense)
  • Dance. Dance like nobody’s watching (be sure to move your hips!)
  • Visualize red pouring into the area around your root chakra (the base of your spine)
  • (and last but not least my favorite) meditating, or exercising in the form of yoga
The Base Chakra governs your relationships whether family friendship or other and feelings of survival, belonging, and guardedness. Your earliest memories are stored here, including whether or not your basic needs were met. When Muladhara is in balance, you feel strong and confident; you can stand up on your own two feet and take care of yourself.
So when doing yoga there is a particular pose that is used to help balance this chakra ( also remembering that when meditating, visualization is the key) and it is no coincidence that this pose is used to create strength, self control and balance. It is also symbolic of stability. The pose is called Vrksasana (tree pose)
·         Stand with your feet hip-width apart, creating a stable base.
·         Draw the sole of your right foot to the inside of your left inner thigh or calf;
·         Hold for 5 breaths, and switch sides.
·         Allow gravity to root you down
Crystals that may be used to meditate: Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet, Agate, Smoky Quartz, Hematite

Scents: Cedar, Clove, Myrrh

7th chakra

Crown chakra (7th chakra):

The last chakra, Sahasrara is the top chakra of all the chakra's. We started earlier with the very first chakra, the root chakra, which kept us grounded and "down to earth", now we've worked our way up to the Sahasrara chakra which is what connects us with divine nature and our spirituality. The seventh chakra is in charge of creating trust, devotion,inspiration, happiness and positivism. Have you ever felt like there was a deeper meaning of life? you may have been balanced with the crown chakra. Being in balanced with your crown chakra is going beyond your ego. This means you understand that we are all part of the same creation, no one is above you. You are above no one. You are unique yes, but you tend to stop thinking your always right. Or that your always wrong. You stop thinking that your stupid, or that you are intelligent. You just accept who you are with out judging the people around you or criticizing your self.

  • egotistical
  • "supreme" 
  • defensive
  • easily offended
  • Low self esteem
  • lack of believing in self
  • self criticism 
  • humiliating your self
  • believing you are "stupid" or "dumb"

Friday, March 4, 2016

6th chakra

The sixth chakra: The Third Eye

The third eye, or the sixth chakra is located between the eyes. This chakra is known to be the "doorway to the spiritual realm". The third eye is also known to be like your psychic eye, it is your "sixth sense". Balancing this chakra increases your intuition and ability to discern. This is why it it considered to be your psychic eye, it gives you sight in to your circumstance or situation or really anything your dealing with. Another name for your third eye is, Anja which means "beyond wisdom". Having a balanced Anja can enable you clairvoyance, telepathy, lucid dreaming, expanded imagination and visualization. In this world we encounter our five senses every day. At least once in your life no doubt you've encountered at least your sixth sense. 
WARNING SIGNS of an unbalanced sixth chakr:


  • judgemental
  • inflexibility
  • pragmatic
  • "know it all" personality
  • "see it to believe it" mentality
  • close minded or stuborn
  • fear of change
  • aimless thinking 
  • lack of concentration 
  • "follower"
These conveniences are seen daily but like said before can be balanced through meditation and yoga. (stay tuned for more information on chakras and the way to balance them). 

Monday, February 29, 2016

5th chakra


Vishudda is the 5th chakra, this is the throat chakra. "Vishudda" means "especially pure" this chakra is in charge of self expression through, listening or speaking with compassion. The fifth chakra is the chakra that helps your judgment, truth speaking and will power. The throat chakra's color is turquoise or aqua and light blue, WARNING SIGNS OF AN IMBALANCED CHAKRA:

  • poor self expression
  • habitual lying 
  • learning disabilities
  • doubt
  • fear
  • uncertainty
  • negative thinking 
The energy of this chakra allows you to seek truth, be original, athentic and seek knowledge that is true beyond all you know. The throat chakra is supposed to inspire creativity and boldness. Believing you can do what ever you put your mind to. when balancing yout chakra ask your self these questions;
Do you dare to be creative?
Do you dare open up to a life of possibilities?

I am open, clear, and honest in my communication.
I have a right to speak my truth.
I communicate my feelings with ease.  
I express myself creatively through speech, writing, or art. 
I have a strong will that lets me resolve my challenges. 
I nourish my spirit through creativity. 
I live an authentic life. 
I have integrity. 
I love to share my experiences and wisdom. 
I know when it is time to listen. 
I express my gratitude towards life. 
I listen to my body and my feelings to know what my truth is. 
I take good care of my physical body. 
I am at peace.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

4th chakra

Heart Chakra 
The Heart chakra is also known as Anahata which means “unhurt, un-struck and unbeaten”. This chakra is located in the center of the chest. The energy focused in this chakra is Love, compassion, universal consciousness, emotional balance. The Heart chakra colors are pink and green. 9The lack of a balanced chakra can be difficult relationships, living through others, depending on others for your happiness and a lack of self discipline. Warning signs your heart chakra is out of balance:
  • selfishness
  • not easily forgiving 
  • self centered
  • hate
  • fear
  • envy
  • anger
  • despair
So the 4th chakra, the heart chakra, is pretty self explanatory. Anything that has to do with the emotions of the heart, opening up, accepting change, forgiving even the most unforgivable. Lets be honest, who knew that yoga, meditation and changing the way we eat can affect our lives all around? But isn’t it true? Doctors advise to exercise and relax (or meditate), and eat right. Maybe the answer truly is balancing your chakras. Once you understand what the chakras are and what they do for you, your life will gradually begin to change. This does not mean it will get easier, but this does give you at least the chance to deal with difficult situations and any situation really that will help make life much more worth living.
Affirmations of Anahata:

Note: if you have “no time for meditation” you can simply recite these affirmations to yourself in the morning before getting up and at night before going to sleep.

Monday, February 22, 2016

3rd chakra

Solar Plexus
  1. 1.
    the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed.
    "he nodded in affirmation"
    synonyms:declarationstatementassertionproclamationpronouncement,attestation; More
  2. 2.
    emotional support or encouragement.
    "the lack of one or both parents' affirmation leaves some children emotionally crippled"

The Solar Plexus other wise known as Manipura which means "Lustrous Gem", is located below the breast bone. Its energy focuses on Intellect, ambition, personal power, protective, Manipura is a source of personal power, self-esteem, warrior energy and the power of transformation. Warning signs of an out of balanced solar plexus are the following:

  • competitiveness
  • laziness
  • overeating and overindulging 
  • poor self image
  • low body weight and poor appetite
  • inability to focus and lack of organizations
  • controlling and/or intolerable behavior

 These misconduct are common but very unpleasant, yet in my opinion (as a non expert) if yoga and meditation and healthy eating can fix this, then by all means HEAL MY CHAKRAS! while balancing some your solar plexus in meditation, you may also recite affirmations. Examples of these affirmations are the following:
"I naturally trust my own guidance"
"I respect and love myself deeply"
"I am excited to be on my path"
"I am sure of myself and my direction"
"I believe in my own personal power" 
"I trust in love"
- See more at: http://www.chakra-lover.com/solar-plexus-chakra.html#sthash.SmFwzAdk.dpuf

2nd chakra

Sacral Chakra
Sacral chakra, Located below the navel(abdomen), is in charge of; Creativity, healing, sexuality and reproduction, desire, emotion and intuition. This chakra is focused on the balance of emotional stability. Having this chakra balanced can create a very Zestful person. Sacral chakra is one of my favorite chakras and having them out of balance can cause so many problems. Since this chakra is so in charge of intuition and emotional stability things may go very wrong, you may be confused about who to trust and you might also be in emotional ruins having this chakra out of balance. The sacaral chakra is also in charge of your pleasure and passion. It is where your driven due to passion for a subject, or person. And also allows you to be pleased with the things around you, a person, subject, maybe a dog or a book. Sacral chakra can also create emotional overreactions, excessive attachments to people or objects(horders must really have this out of whack), depression, lack of authenticity and creativity, self sabotage. Or maybe your the type to get lost in fantasies? this is also a sign of unbalanced sacral chakra. You may be experiencing co-dependent behaviors, or maybe experience  some more physical issues, like; infertility, miscarriages, ovarian cysts or testicular disease.

1st chakra

Base chakra
The base chakra which is located at the base of the spine, is usually an energy focus of stability, grounding, physical energy, will and security. Your base chakra is in charge of your sense of security and so this come in play when you feel scared or paranoid, balancing this chakra should take care of it. Another word for the Base Root chakra is Muladhara. "Mula" means root and "Adhara" means base. The Muladhara chakra is also in charge of phyisical energy, having this chakra balanced can help your survival instinct. Muladhara chakra colors are red and black. The best way to clear your chakras in general is by meditation. The way to balance your Muladhara chakra is by placing a clear balance Muladhara stone in the location of your base chakra while meditating. This, will replenish, relax you and give you your sense of security as you begin to feel like a more secure you.when balancing your Base chakra you must also take on the correct positions as shown below.

More quick fun facts about the Base Chakra:
  • Associated scents- Lavender, Patchouli, sandal wood, musk, cedar wood, hyacinth
  • Traits of root chakra- Home, Money, Material, Fertility, Masculine power, Survival, Security, Vigor and work.
  • root chakra element- Earth
  • Associated planet- mercury


plural noun: chakras
  1. (in Indian thought) each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body, usually considered to be seven in number.
  2. There are seven major chakras in the body, where energy flows through. It is because of this that we receive physical, emotional, or spiritual emotions. These emotions begin to show in your physical state. Therefore keeping your chakras clear and balanced optimizes your well being. When we don't have our chakras clear we can experience, stress, headaches, heart burn, stomach ache, and other symptoms that may seem like a casual medical issue; Who would imagine by simply clearing your chakras all this could go away. So you see? balancing your chakras is essential. Your 1st chakras is the root chakra, located at the base of the spine. Second chakra is, sacral, located at the base of the navel. Third chakras is the solar plexus, which is located below the breastbone. The fourth chakra is the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest. the fifth chakra is the throat chakra, located at the neck above the collar bone. The sixth chakra is the third eye, located is centered above the eyebrows, at the medulla. Finally(but not least), the seventh chakra, the crown, is located at the top of the head.